My Big Chop Anniversary: The Freedom of Natural Hair.

“Omg! You cut your hair?” YES and No I was not depressed, my hair was not damaged, and I was not exploring my sexuality! LOL! People assumed the craziest things when I revealed my Big Chop with a cute selfie on Instagram – March 4th 2020. Why did I do the Big chop after already having natural hair since birth? I simply wanted to be free to do what I wanted to do. Like spontaneously standing outside in the rain without worrying about my hair getting wet and needing to “fix it”. I even played with colour without the anxiety of damaging my “long hair”. Y’all also the freedom I experienced when I stopped being fixated on having long hair! Whew that’s a convo for another day. My Big Chop was a transformative experience that opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me.

Are you considering going natural? Or have you already taken the plunge and are looking for some motivation to continue your natural hair journey? As someone who celebrated my three year anniversary big chop, I can tell you firsthand that there are many benefits to embracing your natural hair. Here are just a few:

Natural hair gives you the freedom to be yourself

One of the biggest benefits of natural hair is the freedom it gives you to be yourself. When you stop trying to conform to society’s beauty standards and accept and embrace your natural hair texture, you are able to express yourself in a way that feels authentic and true to who you are. You no longer have to spend hours straightening your hair or worrying about whether your hairstyle is “professional” enough. Instead, you can focus on being your best self and living your best life.

Going shorter TWA can be stress-free 

Another great benefit of going natural is the potential for a more stress-free hair routine. When you stop using harsh chemicals and heat on your hair, you may find that your hair is healthier and more resilient. You no longer have to worry about damaging your hair with relaxers or spending hours blow-drying and flat-ironing. Instead, you can focus on nourishing your hair with natural products and styles that protect your hair from damage. Having shorter hair allows you to experiment with products, find what works for you, buy lots of travel size products to test.

Natural hair can be versatile

Contrary to popular belief, natural hair can be incredibly versatile. There are so many different styles and techniques that you can use to create a variety of looks, from wash-and-go’s to twist-outs to braid-outs and more. You can experiment with different products and techniques to find what works best for your hair texture and length. With natural hair, the possibilities are endless!

Overall, embracing your natural hair can be a transformative experience that opens up a whole new world of possibilities. It can give you the freedom to be yourself, create a more stress-free hair routine, and explore the versatility of your natural hair. Whether you’re considering going natural or you’re already on your natural hair journey, remember that you’re beautiful just the way you are, and your natural hair is a part of that beauty never see your hair as something that needs to be fixed.

Have you done a Big Chop during your natural hair journey?

Tell us your experience. Leave a comment below!

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Talk soon,


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