Happy International Women’s Day 2023

To my fellow women,

Make no mistake that you are fearfully and wonderfully made for greater works! As you break barriers, defy all the odds and stretch yourself to fulfill your purpose and be the best version of yourself, remember that you are ENOUGH!

Great ENOUGH for Christ to die for!

Great ENOUGH for God to use to accomplish something tremendous here on earth- that’s why you are still here!

You are valuable and You are loved. 

See yourself as God our Creator sees you! 

The images you see below are some of my FAVORITE WOMEN! I love them so much and I am taking this opportunity to appreciate them and acknowledge all that they do! My life would not be the same without their inputs, specifically Ms.G and Beverly Angel – I can’t thank these two women enough!

Some history about International Women’s Day (IWD),

The first official International Women’s Day was celebrated in 1911, and since then it has grown into a global movement that brings together individuals, organizations, and governments to advance gender equality and promote women’s rights. While progress has been made in many areas, there are still some disparities between men and women in terms of pay, representation in leadership positions, and protection from violence and discrimination. IWD serves as a reminder that these issues are not just women’s issues but also human rights issues that affect us all. By recognizing and celebrating women’s achievements, raising awareness about their struggles, and advocating for their rights, International Women’s Day helps to create a more inclusive and equitable world for everyone.

As we celebrate IWD today let us be kind and look out for ourselves and each other.

Let us encourage one another and build each other up!

Cheers to more wins as women!

Talk soon,


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